3ds Max
After Effects
- 3ds Max cameras have the Scale property which missing in After Effects cameras. In cases when this property was modified, for example, when the camera was previously imported from any matchmoving/3D Tracking application, this camera will not be created correctly in After Effects.
- The Tilt and Shift effects of a camera are not supported in After Effects. When using any physical camera type like Physical, VrayPhysical, or Corona camera, any nonzero values of Tilt or Shift parameters will result in a camera mismatch in After Effects.
- When exporting a VrayPhysicalCamera, the FOV parameter may get incorrect values and result in a camera mismatch in After Effects. This is caused by a "Lens breathing" effect that changes the camera's field of view but doesn't actually affect the fov property in 3ds Max. The solution is to turn on the "Field of view" checkbox and remove any animation on the "Film gate", "Focal length", and "Zoom factor" parameters in the camera settings.
- When exporting a Corona Camera with animated "Focal length" property, the FOV parameter may get incorrect values and result in a camera mismatch. If you need to animate the Corona Camera FOV, please use the "Field of View" or "Zoom factor" properties.
- When exporting a Camera created using any third-party Camera-Rig tool (like Free Motion Camera Rig) or linked to its structure, some camera parameters may get incorrect values and result in a camera mismatch.
After Effects
3ds Max
- Export of a Two-Node Camera parented to another layer is not fully supported.
- The Two-Node Camera in After Effects has the Orientation and Rotation properties, both can be modified on X, Y, or Z axis, while the standard Target Camera in 3ds Max has only Roll property which is equivalent to z-axis rotation. Therefore, any changes of X and Y values of the Orientation and Rotation properties of the Two-Node Camera will not affect the Target Camera created in 3ds Max and will result in a camera mismatch.
- The Orientation and Rotation properties of Auto-Oriented layers can not be exported correctly to 3ds Max.